Command Line Utility

The SDK includes a script which is a general purpose command line utility for working with Assets, Agreements and Processes. Using this tool, many day to day tasks can be achieved without writing any custom scripts.


The script is a stand-alone script that utilizes the classes from the tripleblind library. As such, it can be run like any other Python script. However it is even more convenient if you create shortcuts so it can be used at any time and from anywhere.

Linux / Apple

alias tb='python "/home/YOURNAME/tripleblind/api-sdk/example/"'

The above assumes the SDK was installed on a system at /home/YOURNAME/tripleblind, so you must adjust accordingly. This line can be placed in your .bashrc or .zshrc, making the utility automatically available via the command line shortcut tb.


Create this file in a location within your Windows path, such as C:\Windows\System32\tb.bat

@echo off
pushd C:\Path\To\Your\SDK
conda activate tripleblind
python %*

From here forward, we will just use tb as shorthand for python in this document.

Using “tb”

The tb utility groups commands under a mode which is determined by the first parameter. Context-sensitive help can be obtained by adding --help at the end of a command line, e.g. using “tb --help” or with a mode specifier such as “tb process --help

Working with Assets

The default mode for tb is asset management. If you have adequate permissions (determined by the user associated with the token set in your tripleblind.yaml), you can use the utility to create, archive/delete, retrieve, list or set properties of any owned asset. You can also list assets made available to you by other organizations.

tb asset list Test

List all assets with “Test” in the name.

tb list Test --details --mine

List details on all assets created by me with “Test” in the name.

tb list --since='4 days ago' --max=100 --order=name

List up to 100 assets created in the last 4 days, ordered by name.

tb create mydata.csv --name 'my data' --desc 'csv data' --public

Create a new asset named “my data” from the local file “mydata.csv” and make it visible to other organizations.

tb set 'my data' name 'our data'

Rename the asset “my data” to “our data”

tb retrieve 'our data'

Retrieve a copy of the owned asset (implied) with “our data” in the name.

tb remove 'our data'

Remove the “our data” asset from the Router index. The data remains on the Access Point.

tb asset delete 'our data'

Remove the “our data” asset from the Router index and delete it from the Access Point also.

Working with Processes

The tb process (or tb ps for short) group of commands allow discovery and management of processes from you and your organization. You must have the appropriate user permissions in order to perform actions, but otherwise this tool gives access to all of the capabilities of the web interface.

tb process list --active

Retrieve a list of all actively running processes

tb process list --waiting

Retrieve a list of all processes waiting for permission approval

tb process list --history

Retrieve a list of all completed and failed processes

tb process list --since=MM-DD-YY

Retrieve a list of process since the specified date; defaults to yesterday

tb process list Stats

Retrieve a list of all actively running processes with “Stats” in the name. Can also input a regex or a process ID

tb process retrieve 26b09421-bcf0-485d-9a48-859e3d14751c

Retrieve a local copy of the process result asset with specified ID (eg. download a trained model asset)

tb process cancel 26b09421-bcf0-485d-9a48-859e3d14751c

Cancel specified process (requires Manage Processes) permission

tb process connect 26b09421-bcf0-485d-9a48-859e3d14751c

Connect to the output stream of a running process (ex: to view model training metrics). Add --raw flag to dump output messages as raw JSON

Working with Requests

The tb requests commands (tb req for short) allow viewing and responding to open access requests for assets owned by your organization.

tb requests reply all

Display and respond to all unaddressed access requests

tb requests reply 26b09421-bcf0-485d-9a48-859e3d14751c

Display and respond to unaddressed access requests for specified Asset

tb requests list --details

Display list of unaddressed access requests, with all details

tb requests list "Tabular"

Display list of unaddressed access requests containing the term “Tabular”

Working with Teams

An SDK user can be a member of multiple teams, but at any given time there is only one active team. All operations happen within the context of that team as long as it is active -- new assets are positioned to belong to that team, new processes are created and audit records tie the operation to the active team, and found/listed assets are only those visible to the team.

The default Team context can be switched using the team’s name or ID:

tb team activate NAME|ID

NOTE: The active team is stored with your tripleblind.yaml.

Your available team names and IDs can be viewed using:

tb team list

You can view your current team using:

tb team info

Model Validation

The tb validate command is different from other commands in that there is no analogue in the web interface. This command takes in a single file model file or folder containing models, outputting a report of compatibility with TripleBlind’s secure inference technique.

tb validate <local directory>

Validates and outputs report showing compatibility of local directory contents with TripleBlind’s secure inference capabilities. Folder must contain .onnx, .h5 or .pth files

tb validate <local modelfile>

Validates and outputs report showing compatibility of specified local model file with TripleBlind’s secure inference capabilities

Working with python_transform in TabularPreprocessor

The tb preproc commands also have no equivalent in the web interface, and are meant to assist with the development and testing of python_transform preprocessors.

tb preproc create "<asset name>"

Generates a local file that contains the pre-built template of the required format for the python_transform, and also creates a sample of mock data from the referenced asset for validation of the preprocessor script

tb preproc test data.csv

Runs the transform function against the mock data sample and outputs the dataframe for validation of the preprocessor script

Flags and Advanced Use

Command behavior can be modified by a variety of flags, generally preceded with double dashes. The examples above show some mode-specific flags, such as --details --mine when listing assets. All of these can be seen in the documentation shown by appending --help to a command.

Other useful flags can be applied at any time:

Show detailed information on the operation environment and versions

Minimize the output

Operate using the given TOKEN instead of the token found in tripleblind.yaml

Display help for the command currently in the command line

Skips confirmations with any command

Applies action of command to all search matches, otherwise you will be prompted to choose the item(s) on which to run the action

Shows less information while command is running

Shows more information while command is running