
When creating an agreement to allow a counterparty to make use of your asset in model training, use add_agreement() with the appropriate tripleblind.Operation value for the operation parameter as specified in the table below. For example, to create an agreement for Blind Join, use tripleblind.Operation.BLIND_JOIN.

When creating an agreement to allow a counterparty to infer against your trained model, use tripleblind.Operation.EXECUTE for the operation parameter.

Operation Agreement How to use
ℹ️ Permissive agreements (without usage restrictions) are not recommended for use with this operation.
Use the blind_join() method to join your dataset with one or more dataset assets.
Neural Networks BLIND_LEARNING Use create_job() to train a model, with BLIND_LEARNING for the operation parameter.
Neural Networks: Split Datasets VERTICAL_BLIND_LEARNING Use create_job() to train a model, with VERTICAL_BLIND_LEARNING for the operation parameter.
ℹ️ Vertically-partitioned records must be in corresponding order across all data sources.
Neural Networks: Vertical Datasets PSI_VERTICAL_BLIND_LEARNING Use create_job() to train a model, with PSI_VERTICAL_BLIND_LEARNING for the operation parameter.
Blind Match PRIVATE_SET_INTERSECTION Use the intersect() method to carry out a private set intersection between your dataset and one or more additional dataset assets.

ℹ️ Permissive agreements (without usage restrictions) are not recommended for use with this operation.

Use create_job() to query a dataset asset, with BLIND_QUERY for the operation parameter.
Blind Report When using add_agreement() to allow a counterparty to run your Blind Report, use EXECUTE for the operation parameter. Use create_job() to run the report in a process, with the positioned ReportAsset‘s UUID for the operation parameter.
Blind Sample BLIND_SAMPLE Use the get_sample() method to generate a realistic synthetic sample for a dataset asset.
Blind Stats STATS Use the get_statistics() method to query descriptive statistics against one or more dataset assets.
Blind String Search REGEX_COUNT Use create_job() to obtain counts of text search matches, with REGEX_COUNT for the operation parameter.
Decision Tree: Vertical Datasets PSI_VERTICAL_DECISION_TREE_TRAIN Use create_job() to train a model, with PSI_VERTICAL_DECISION_TREE_TRAIN for the operation parameter.
K-Means Clustering: Vertical Datasets PSI_VERTICAL_KMEANS_TRAIN Use create_job() to train a clustering model, with PSI_VERTICAL_KMEANS_TRAIN for the operation parameter.
NLP - BERT BERT_SEQ_CLF_TRAIN Use create_job() to train your model, with BERT_SEQ_CLF_TRAIN for the operation parameter.
Outlier Detection OUTLIER_DETECTION Use the detect_outlier() method to identify the indices of outlier values in your dataset asset.
Random Forest RANDOM_FOREST_TRAIN Use create_job() to train a model, with RANDOM_FOREST_TRAIN for the operation parameter.
Recommender Model RECOMMENDER_TRAIN Use create_job() to train a Recommender Model, with RECOMMENDER_TRAIN for the operation parameter.
Regression REGRESSION For training, use the RegressionModel.train() method to train a horizontally-partitioned Linear, Logistic, Lasso, or Ridge regression model. For inference, use the ModelAsset.infer() method to infer on a trained model.
Regression: Vertical Datasets PSI_VERTICAL_REGRESSION_TRAIN For training, use the PSIVerticalRegressionModel.train() method to identify an overlap of matching records across datasets, and train a linear or logistic regression model on the vertically-partitioned intersection. For inference, use the ModelAsset.psi_infer() method to infer on a trained model.
XGBoost XGBOOST_TRAIN Use the XGBoost train(), predict(), and predict_proba() methods.