Private Set Intersection (Blind Match)

Blind Match is TripleBlind’s implementation of a well-known secure multiparty computation known as a 🔗Private Set Intersection. Blind Match allows data from multiple sources to be privately joined based on a common identifier, returning only the values of the identifier that are found across all datasets. This allows a data provider to find the records in common with other data providers, without revealing any information apart from membership of the record to those sets.


In this tutorial, we will perform a Blind Match between three datasets owned by three organizations: two banks and a brokerage firm. The objective is to find individuals (based on their Social Security Numbers) who present in all three datasets. You will play the role of the brokerage, who has a local dataset (i.e., a CSV file of customers data) and wishes to work with two organizations, named IniTech and Globex, as the two banks. All involved parties are TripleBlind users, and the two banks have already positioned their datasets and made them discoverable. Note that the name of the organizations in this example (e.g., IniTech) is different from the name of their assets (i.e., datasets). For instance, "Santander Customer Database" is the name of the dataset owned by Globex.

You have a local CSV file, broker-licenses.csv, containing the following information:

  • id: Your brokerage customer's internal account number
  • full_name: You brokerage customer's name
  • license number: The customer's driver's license number
  • ssn: The customer's Social Security Number (e.g. 123-45-6789)

You know your partner banks have datasets made accessible through TripleBlind's platform (i.e., the banks' corresponding Access Points), but you don't know the format yet. So the process begins with data discovery.

Data discovery

The first step in this task is to discover and access the datasets of interest. For this tutorial we will focus on TripleBlind's web interface to search for and obtain the datasets UUIDs. Alternatively, you could achieve the same goal using the SDK (refer to the Assets tutorial to learn more).

Visit the 🔗Asset Explorer to search for your partner's data assets.